
Forms for Season 2022- 2023

The mandatory requirement to register players via the FA Full Time portal means changes to our club and player related forms.
DO NOT USE ANY OF THE OLD FORMS!!! Any problems please let me know and I will do my best to rectify them.
Some forms are available in Word or Excel which can be filled in via a keyboard or printed, also
available as Adobe PDF files for printing then completion by hand.

Club Match Report Form

To be completed by each club for each match. Download and save here In Excel or here as a printable PDF.
The completed form must be scanned or copied and sent to the Registrations Secretary in accordance with Rule 21 (A).

Match Day Referee's Team Sheet

In Word here and as a PDF file here.
To be completed on the day of the match and given to the referee BEFORE kickoff


Player registrations should be made using the FA Full Time website.
There is now a special form for OFF LINE player registration. This must be signed by the player concerned!
PDF version for mobiles and tablets here.   Excel version which can be partly completed on keyboard here

Emergency Registration Form for use on MATCH DAYS only

Download here. Be aware that these forms MUST be returned to the Registrations Secretary not later than the Tuesday following the match.

All Emergency Registrations must be confirmed on the Full Time website not later than the Wednesday following the match.

Failure to do either or both may result in the player concerned being declared ineligible with consequences for your club in the form of fines and / or points deductions.

Emergency Registrations are not just for the one game.

Any player so registered is considered as a registered player for that club until the registration is either cancelled or he officially transfers to another club.
Once the season has started, check the registered players list BEFORE getting anyone to sign.

It may cost your club points and fines if you allow a player to sign an emergency registration form when he is already registered for another club.
The player himself may also be fined and / or suspended.

Player Transfer form

Not in use. Any transfers to be made on line until further notice.

Referee's Registration form

In Word here and as a printable PDF version here.

Referee's match report form

In Word here, in Excel here and as a printable PDF version here.

If you have any queries about registrations or match report forms, please contact the registrations secretary Tony Vanns.

West Kent Sunday Football League Home Page.