The player discipline code is reproduced
from page 31 of the Official League Handbok for the benefit of players
and club officials.
1. The number of penalty points for an
offence will be as per the number of points given by the player's
County Football Association.
Examples : Caution = 1 point; Second
Caution in same match = 2 points; Serious foul play or violent conduct
= 4 points; Assault on a player or other participant = 6 points.
The actual penalty points are examples
only and the points given by a County Football Association may vary.
2. A player accruing five penalty
points will be issued with a letter by the WKSFL warning him as to his
future conduct.
3. A player accruing eight penalty points
will have his registration with the WKSFL withdrawn. The length of the
withdrawal to be decided by the League Council on each individual case.
4. A player may appeal to the League
Council and until the appeal is heard the withdrawal of his
registration will remain pending. Appeals must be made in writing and
accompanied by a fee of £25.
5. Should a player's appeal be successful
he may be warned by the League as to his future conduct. If an appeal
is successful the £25 fee will be refunded.
6. A player found guilty by a County
Football Association of head to head butting will automatically have
his registration with the WKSFL withdrawn, the length of the withdrawal
to be decided by the League Council in each individual case.
7. Should six players from the same club
receive cautions and/or dismissals in a single game the League Council
may ask the club to appear in a disciplinary hearing.
8. Any appeal against the implementation
of the WKSFL player disciplinary code must be against the charge of
bringing the League into disrepute and not
against the original offence.
For the purpose of the Player Discipliniary Code the term 'player' will
include all club management and supporters.
Note :
Please refer to rule 26(i) for an explanation of 'bringing the League
into disrepute'.